

6 Tips For Achievable Goals For Your Stepfamily

Are you frustrated that your step-family still feels divided, after another year zoomed by? You are not alone. Many step-families share your pain. You can make a difference, in this coming year. By implementing these 6 easy tips, you will experience a difference in how you connect with your step-family.


7 Tips for Holiday Harmony With Your Step-Family

Developing closeness and cohesiveness in a step-family is an ongoing challenge for many people throughout the year. The holidays present a precious opportunity to bridge some gaps among members of the immediate family, as well as those of the extended family. Step-parents express a great deal of anxiety and concern over the upcoming holidays. They dread the potential onset of chaos shattering their expectations of a picture-perfect holiday experience.

The following 7 tips may help you and your step-family develop closeness, through careful planning of your holiday celebrations:


Tips for Your Extended Family

Here are some tips to help the extended family members to deal with their changing roles and for the adults forming the stepfamily in understanding the unifying power that their relatives have in their family.

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