Author name: rwcadmin


Your Gratitude Attitude

Developing an attitude of gratitude improves your quality of life because it helps you appreciate the positive things and people in your life. Gratitude also helps you see the opportunities in the challenges you face.

While at times you may face complex challenges in your stepfamily, be grateful for having your spouse and family. Expressing your appreciation to them for being in your life will bring you closer together.



Gratitude helps us be humble and appreciative of the gifts of love, friendship, and faith that we are given. It helps us acknowledge someone else’s contribution to the quality of our lives.


7 Practical Tips for Stepmothers

“I am at my wits end. I didn’t know that being a stepmother is going to be so frustrating!” said a 39 year-old, successful, professional woman. “At work, everyone respects me and likes me, but at home I feel like an obstacle to my stepchildren in their relationship with their father.” If you can relate to this stepmother’s frustration, you may have asked yourself many times over why your stepchildren can’t just see you for who you really are: a nice, loving woman who wants peace and love in her home. You may also wonder what you need to do in order to get noticed and cherished by your husband. Perhaps you wonder if you can ever succeed in this unclear role.

The following tips will hopefully help you turn a corner with your stepchildren and your husband, so you walk the path to desired harmony in your home.


Tips for Prioritizing

Setting priorities for improving the joint quality of life you desire is a major component of creating and maintaining meaningful

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